Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968
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Vaughn - 02-17-2008
Tom and Vic,

 Thanks, both of you, for showing up. I might add that I've been to several weddings, including my own in 1974, at which Vic's parents stole the show with a professional display of dancing. The whole floor would clear when those two began to tango...  and Tom, you and I've got some catching up to do.

Vic Piano - 02-17-2008
Some things never change; I'm always up for a good party... I'll do my best to be at the 40th reunion, looking forward to seeing everyone.
Thomas Napolitano - 02-17-2008
I will be happy to see my old school mates at the 40th reunion.

Let us all be Happy Healty and well.

René Bodoux - 02-17-2008
Hello Class of '68,
My name is René Bodoux and I am from the Netherlands. No, I 've not been in your class of '68. The link to your class is a former classmate, named Marguerite Marianne (Margie) Oertel. She is a relative through my mother's side of the family. Margie's parents emigrated to the US around 1960. I am sorry to tell you that Margie passed away in 1990, just after the birth of her second child, a daughter. And I am very glad that the comittee honoured her absence by including her in the ' in Memory of...' page. I wish you all a happy and pleasant reunion and all the best in your life. Regards, René
Kay Nelson Ellsworth - 02-16-2008
Tonight was my first time visiting this website.
It's terrific!!!
It was a little shocking and depressing to look at the dead ones among us...
but i'm looking forward to seeing the live ones in September.


Pam Leone-Diaz - 02-16-2008
Hi Everyone...
I guess that I should check my e-mail more often....just discovered this web site today. I've been sitting here for about 2 hours...living in the past and feeling old| Thanks so much for setting this up...I've throughly enjoyed myself and would really like to make it in Sept. to see everyone...

Bill Rogers - 02-11-2008
Smitty  yes you have a great site
Katie, you and the reunion team are awesome; you're getting it all together.
The only reunion I've made it to is 10 year, so if any one has pix it would be great to see.
I plan to see y'all at the 40th (I've been in GA along time)
Dale Krieger - 02-09-2008
Great job!
Harry Waller, thanks for calling me in Princeton NJ and telling me about this great website.
Best to all,
Dale Krieger
Deanna Monaco - 02-01-2008
Wonderful website, Richie!  Although I'm a member of the class of '70, I knew so many of you.  Regards to all!
Jane Lundstrom - 01-19-2008
This is a great website!  It's fun to see the pictures of everyone.  I will try to make the reunion in September.
Valerie  Fioretti - 01-09-2008
Hi Everyone,
        This is sooooo great! love seeing the pictures. Can't wait to see you all at the reunion. 40 years, how did that happen??    Good job!
Maureen Habulin (Daugherty) - 01-03-2008
I think this website is fabulous!  Thank you sooo much for setting it up.  Karen,  I do remember that song.  Carol Henselder Rhodes--I see you are in Atlanta, so  am I -- send me an email or give me your email.  
Karen (Dewhurst) Jackson - 12-19-2007
Hi Everyone.  What a trip to visit this site and take a stroll down memory Lane.  I viewed the yearbook slideshow, and am wondering if more pages are going to be added.  See you in Sep. 'remember that song?'  - few people do, but I think a lot of you guys may remember.
Carol Meginley - 12-13-2007
You are not only a great skiier, but an excellent web administrator.
Hope you can teach me some lessons for the Bethpage Class of '64!
After I get a paying job!
Love, Carol and Jeep
Rose Marie Fasulo Camacho - 12-13-2007
Smitty, you're the best. I can't help but tell everyone about the 'wwhsclass of 68' website.
Thank you for taking the time to do this for All of us.

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