Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968
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Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 98
Classmates are going up in their attics, dusting off their scrapbooks and sharing their favorite personal photos from yesteryear. Help document the candid parts of our class past by posting your old personal photos.

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I was 16 years old in  Huntington NY.I graduated 1968 .I lived off New York Ave and Horton drive !! I am still searching for best friend lost contact after she moved too Vermont Sharon Quinn!!...
Posted By: Ruth Busch
Views: 4338

West Hills 1958
Posted By: Kirk Butler
Views: 5143

Depot Road 1957
Posted By: Kirk Butler
Views: 5118

Russ Garrison (left) and I, Cedar Beach, 1966
Posted By: Vaughn Olson
Views: 5268

Nice but short article from the Long Islander. Bob Pendel would later swim the English Channel.
Posted By: Vaughn Olson
Views: 5446

Ralph and Joyce (Ormsby) Lewis, as I remember them.
Posted By: Vaughn Olson
Views: 5617

Provided to us by none other than Vaughn Olson, who asked me to post it here!  Kay, Paige and Roz!  Circa 1967
Posted By: Katie Fahnestock Kingston
Views: 5611

University of Keele 1977
Posted By: Dave Favata
Views: 5747

NavCommSta Harold E. Holt, Western Australia 1970
Posted By: Dave Favata
Views: 5739

My yearbook photo - 1968
Posted By: Dave Favata
Views: 5776

Maplewood 3rd grade, from Fran Spatafora, 1959.  
Posted By: Katie Fahnestock Kingston
Views: 3938

My extremely good mother made this toga outfit for me - bless her heart, she did the HAIR and she found the EARRINGS, and none of those things came easily for her, and so I am totally amazed to rem...
Posted By: Katie Fahnestock Kingston
Views: 3885

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