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Francis A (Frank) King - 09-23-2018
Great web site! Â Rick Smith (Smitty) - 03-26-2018
The 50th reunion is on! October 5 and 6 will be the weekend. See the reunion page on this ite for more details Gary oconnor - 06-10-2017
Gary passed away may 6, 2017 , leaving behind his wife Debra of 46 years ,3 children and 8 grandchildren Peter Muhr - 09-18-2014
Little brother of Phyllis Muhr (now Zimmerman), played Henry in 'Finian's Rainbow' , the Spring musical, when I was 7. Actually wondering if anyone in the cast has a photo that includes me, by any chance. Phyllis Muhr Zimmerman - 06-22-2013
Hi gang,
I had such a terrific time at our 40th reunion, and the 30th and 20th (remarkably, husband Bob had a great time, too). How I wish I could be at the 45th! I'll miss all of you, many old buddies & fellow music-and-or-theater-heads. By the way, I spoke to Mr. Tripp a few years back while on the East End -- remembered that he'd retired to Sag Harbor. Please give him a hug for me if he makes it to the Reunion.
We can't make this one because our family plans for the fall include moving daughter Katie (named for new grandma Ms. Fahnestock-Kingston) to D.C., where she'll work in foreign relations. The catch is we don't know yet when this will happen, because getting security clearance is a crazy-long process. She got a conditional offer in October 2012 and the process can take up to a full year, so . . . yeah. She's doing some charitable work but otherwise she's bored silly, but our Katie's a hockey nut, so the one thing keeping her sane while waiting is the Stanley Cup Playoffs. GO BRUINS!!! ;-)
For those of you who remember my sweet Mom, Phoebe Muhr (nicknamed by Mr. Tripp 'Phoebe the Fabulous' or 'Phoeb the Fab' for short), she moved into the Carillon Nursing Home at the corner of Pulaski Rd. and Park Ave. last fall at age 87, after 3 years of being cared for at home by myself and my three brothers Chris, Peter and Jim. The good folks at Carillon LOVE her and are taking awesome care of her. When I call her she says, 'We're having a great time here!'
So we sold our longtime family home at 23 Tappen Drive last Dec., after 55 years. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. So many memories: parties, hikes up in the woods, games of Running Bases and football on the front lawn (once memorably crashed by a bunch of the guys who quickly turned it from 'touch football' to 'tackle' to 'pile on' -- DUDES, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!). We moved there in 1957, 2 weeks after the start of 2nd grade. I started out at Maplewood but moved to West Hills when it opened after a few weeks. Several of our posted class photos feature my smiling mug. Had Miss Firneisen in 2nd, Miss Waltke in 3rd (weird class, half 3rd graders & half 4th), Miss Ludgate in 4th, Mr. Jay in 5th, and Mr. MacDonald in 6th. Many of your smiling faces also grace those pictures -- the aforementioned Katie Fahnestock Kingston, my other longest-running friend Lavinia Simons, Loretta Sipala-Zaccheo, Betsy Imholz, Carol Bozzi, Sally Dempsey, Garry Moore, Bill Axness, Jim Bennett, Bill Patrisi, Jim Bennett, and the list goes on and on.
Have a great time and post lots of photos!! Loretta, Bobby, Garry, Smitty, and all of you who work so hard to keep our class in touch -- thanks so much. Our website is SO much more awesome than any other class's website!!
Love to all,
Phyllis (Muhr) Zimmerman Jane M. Lundstrom - 04-12-2013
Just found this website after getting the email about the 45th reunion. It's a great site! It's wonderful looking at all of the pictures! I only attended the 10th year reunion but plan to see everyone in October. Robert Zaccheo - 03-16-2013
Please make a note: The date for the reunion is Oct 11 and 12, 2013!!! We look forward to seeing you in OCTOBER rick smith - 10-19-2012
Classmates, more info has been posted on our 'Reunion' page about the upcoming 45th reunion event. Help us pass the word. We hope we can see even more old friends this time around. Stay tuned for more updates as we move forward! Robert Zaccheo - 06-15-2012
Plans have begun for the Class of '68's '45th Class Reunion'! The reunion committee has met and set the date for Sept. 20-22, 2013. Mark that date on your calendar. Main event Saturday Night September 21, 2013! If you know someone or know someone who knows someone from the Class of '68 help spread the word. Kathryn Fauble - 12-07-2011
Does anyone know what became of Janice Newman ? She played Antigone in Monica McMindes' production of that Greek tragedy in November of 1967. She appears in several productions stills in the 1968 yearbook.
Janice could have been in the class of 1968 or 1969.
I attended Whitman in the 1980s. I was haunted by a huge blow-up of Janice Newman AKA Antigone being led to jail by two guards. Ms. McMindes had it hanging from the ceiling. By the 1980s, Whitman didn't present Greek tragedies. Ms. McMindes was complaining that the new crop of students didn't care about the ancient Greeks. They were more interested in learning what would be on the SAT.
Some protestors of the Vietnam War found inspiration in 'Antigone' or other Greek tragedies, but that was water under the bridge by the 1980s. Diana Coles Haselmyer - 09-09-2011
Hi everyone from WWHS. It is September 2011 already and three years since the 40th. I hope that all is well even though we are all about the same age and feel it. This week I turn 61 and am thinking about all the others I know who are too - I am not alone. Stay safe and look upwards. Barbara Hill Kelly - 07-24-2011
Just found this website and have been spending hours looking at everything. A lot of fun to see pictures of everyone. I have to make a reunion!!
If anyone's ever in the Houston area, please look me up. I live in League City which is just south of Houston. Lynne Damrau Gilmore Markgraf - 08-21-2010
Such great pictures! What a fabulous website. If only the Class of '69 could do something this well. I've found many of you lately and it's been great. Today I heard bad news that Andy Egol has passed away. My last email from him was in April. I'll save it forever. Francis ( Frank) V. Bifano - 06-22-2010
I just heard from my brother , George Bifano class of 1972 , that Joe DiGregorio passed away suddenly on Father's day 2010......Frank Roy f. Urarro - 01-13-2010
hi to everyone Had a good time at 40th reunion.Im living in ChinovalleyAz.
375 N. Rd. 1 east Chinovalley Az. 86323
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