Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968
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Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968 - Guestbook

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Edward Jodlowski - 08-23-2009
Just came upon the web site a few days ago and wow ! was I surprised.It was great to see the pictures from the 40th reunion and how great everyone still looks. I've always told people how special our class was and from the photos at the reunion I was right.
 However, when I looked at our departed classmates,I was amazed that my picture and a  brief statement was included.I'm still here and kickin. Anyway I would love to here from anyone cause  the last time was at the 10th reunion and much has happened.
 I live in Vine Grove K.Y. just outside Ft. Knox  my last duty station after spending many years in the Army.( and very proud of it). I now work for Yamaha boats and travel throughtout the U.S. and Canada as a rep.  
Best of wishes to all of you.
Diana Coles Haselmyer - 07-17-2009
I am pleased to see new things added to this fine website since I last looked in. Thanks to our school website, a classmate from elementary school actually recognized my name and remembered me - almost 50 years - AND contacted me by email. Isn't that nice?  If anyone remembers Ellen Stetner, and would like to say 'hi', let me know. She moved away to MA before high school so didn't get to graduate with us but ended with Memorial Jr High.
BTW, I moved from FL to AZ this year.
Dearl (Williams) Topping - 04-28-2009
I apologize for not being able to make the reunion. However, I am so glad to see so many faces on the website that I have not seen in years. Life has been sweet knowing that many of us reached that age in order to attend a 40th class reunion, without me of course. And at the same time, we have lost so many. If I have breath in my body, I do not want to miss the next one.
Pamela Gibson - 04-18-2009
Hi, it has been a really long time, 40 years+, but Vaugn just found me on facebook. It has been a long and winding road.
Melanie Londono - 09-25-2008
HELLO CLASS OF 1968! My name is Melanie and I was one of the tour guides during your 40th reunion weekend! You told me to check out this website so I did! It is so cool looking through your old yearbooks. I'm going to be graduating this year and it's hard to believe that it is possible for me to have a 40th reunion! Class of 1968, you are fabulous! I kind of wished i could've spent the rest of the day with you all! :-)
Vincent Longo - 09-01-2008
August 21
Okay, here are my two cents. Greetings to all who know me, particularly Scott Klippel, Neil Cotiaux, and Marshal Gimpel.
My wife and I moved to Tucson from Chicago just two years ago . We had both arrived in Chicago, separately, in 1979. The kids and grandkids stayed. (We couldn't convince them to move.)
This morning, NPR indirectly reminded me of a little get-together Marshal  had on his return from Europe in the summer of 1968. He 'reported' on his travels which included a visit to the Prague Spring. Shortly after the Soviet Army also visited Prague. Today was that anniversary.
The radio piece reminded me of the hopes of that year, that memorable year--our year.
Best wishes on the reunion!
Stuart Berman - 08-29-2008
This is a great website for the class reunion of '68. I was able to find a friend of mine, Larry Carpico, who is attending and have decided to attend at this late date. I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces from way back. It has been awhile since I have been out of touch with everyone. See you all soon.
Cindy Gleaves Pocali - 08-26-2008
Well, I booked my flights and can't wait to see everyone!
Frank Brignoli - 08-23-2008
I'm off the fence.Looking forward to seeing all of you on the 12th.
Is sounds like this will be an awesome weekend.
Charles Craig - 08-20-2008
just looking over the guess book  and saw paul zeitler name that's great
didn't if he was still with us that's great just e-mail him
thanks. this  is great
cann't wait to see every one
the checks in the mail
Richard.P.Mills - 08-20-2008
Vaughn/Rich,  Thanks for contacting me. Outstanding web site! My compliments to all involved. I've been in the Marines for the past 33 years.  I'm assigned as the Assistant Division Commander for the 1st Marine Division but currently I'm deployed to Iraq as the Commanding General for Marine Ground Comabt Forces in Al Anbar province.  I'm in the middle of a 12 month tour so it will be tough for me to attend the reunion but it sounds as if it will be huge. Best of luck to a great Class.    

MaryLou (Russo) La Sala - 08-06-2008
Thanks to Vaughn Olson we have found Claire La Rossa. She is living in Maine with her husband and 3 grown daughters. She has 2 granddaughters. Fritzie (Forst) Pisarski and I are taking a road trip up to see her. We will then post pictures of our meeting. I am very excited to be reunited with Claire because I lost track of her some 33 years ago. Wow, thanks and we'll keep you posted. It's so nice to have this site and to be able to track people or just keep in touch with long lost friends. Makes the blood flow and keeps us young!! and not  feel so mature (or should I just say plain OLD!). Because my motto is- 'Getting old is not for Sissies'!  I still keep in touch with Marguerite Bonifacio Redfearn (Texas) , Patti Ventura Kolendra (Huntington) and Linda Wujick Mazzuchelli (Maryland). Oh, let's not forget Fritzie (Levittown), her too! Looking forward to seeing many familiar faces at the reunion.
Phyllis (Muhr) Zimmerman - 08-05-2008
Hi everyone!  Kudos and thanks to Katie, Smitty, Vaughn, the Zacheos, Garry and all who have done so much to bring us together  -  what a rare treat.  

Now, for anyone still on the fence about coming to our 40th reunion, here's a selection from the latest edition of 'Swill from Phyl's Quill,' last issued in Mr. Evers' 7th grade English Class, Memorial Jr. High, Spring 1963:

I used to think reunions had to be an awful bore,
Sitting there with old folks who don't know me anymore.
Turned up my nose and said, 'Puh-leez! Don't bother me with that,
I'll stand there feeling ill at ease; besides, I've gotten fat.'

But then I thought, 'Oh, what the hell, I'll give it just one shot.'
I've been converted! I can tell you what this party's NOT:
It's NOT a bore! It's NOT a snore! I've never had such fun
Receiving welcome hugs galore from beaming older men!
For all you guys, there's women, too!  You're sure to get a thrill
From seeing your old girlfriend Sue (the one who married Bill)!
'Do I know you? - MiGod, I DO!  I can't believe it's YOU!
You're looking great - It's time we ate - oh wow, it's getting late.'

You won't know where the evening went; I didn't even eat
Because there were so many friends I simply had to greet.
You'll wish there were more hours to spend with friends from far and near,
All I can say is, 'Lose no time!  Don't miss another year.'

And that really is the truth - it took some convincing to get me to the 25th but i was so glad I went.  What's more, my husband comes with me every time, and he has fun, too!  I guess I have some pretty cool friends.

Hope to see you all soon!
Roslyn Shifrin Greenberg - 08-03-2008
Thank you Paige for letting me know about this incredibly well constructed website ( and kudos to those who built it.) I must admit I was shocked to see a large picture of the back of my head on the website homepage. Modestly, I must say that even after 40 years, the back of my head hasn't changed a bit ( well ok, I HAVE had some work done!)
I have enjoyed looking through the website.  Thanks for making it available!

Paul J. Zeitler - 08-02-2008
i moved to florida in 2004 after living in upstate ny for 20 yrs.

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