We approached one another with uncertain recognition on Friday night, and then the long overdue hug. Before we moved on to others, Bob Pendel said to me 'Thanks for the card.' I was a bit confused as I was certain I had not sent a card nor a letter to Bob - as far as I knew, he was never missing. I replied that he must be thinking of someone else. 'No, Vaughn, it was you, think 'Swimming''. NOW I WAS totally confused.... Later on Friday eve, a gal I consider a close friend enlightened me - I had completely forgotten how 35 years ago I was home from Europe on leave, and read a newspaper report about Bob Pendel successfully swimming the English Channel. And what the hell, I mailed him a card of congratulations. I think it was 1973....
I had allowed time and life's distractions to let it slip from memory.
On Saturday night, we crossed paths again as the rock 'n roll played. I thanked Bob for reminding me - it turns out that Bob still has that card safely tucked into his scrapbook of accomplishments - and I am exceedingly flattered.
This little story is just one of many I cherish from the past week.