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Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968 - Latest News

02-07-2008 - Reunion Committee launches classmate communications campaign


Katie Fahnestock Kingston  (303) 666 9128  ktlk1@aol.com.
Rich Smith (631) 724 0360  ricksttcoupe@gmail.com

Reunion Committee Begins Calling and Communications Campaign

HUNTINGTON STATION, NY. – February 7, 2008

The WWHS Class of 1968 Reunion committee today announced the launch of a communications campaign to find and inform all classmates about the upcoming Class Reunion on September 12,13, 2008. The committee will begin an intense campaign to alert classmates of the upcoming reunion events and find information on classmates who are missing in the “Contact Classmates” section of the WWHS Class of 1968 Website. The initial thrust of the campaign will be to call, email and US mail all classmates about the reunion events. The overall goal of the communications campaign is to identify as many classmates as possible, begin the sign up process for the event and drive website usage and awareness.

Classmates contacted will be encouraged to register on the www.wwhs1968.com website, assist in finding others showing as “missing” and add their current contact information so there will be a historical record for future reunions.

The WWHS 40th Class Reunion will be a two day event, on September 12 and 13, 2008.  Friday night will be a cocktail party for all classmates and guests. Saturday night will feature dinner, DJ, photographers and other activities. Reunion pricing is $110 per person or $200 per couple for both evenings of festivities. A cash bar is also available both nights.

For additional information on the reunion or the website, contact Katie or Rich or the reunion committee.

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