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So Perry called me, asking me to call him back ASAP - so I took the opportunity while walking to the bus to phone him.  Then, a thunder & lightning storm erupted.  And I have the world's cheapest cell phone.  Add all these together, and maybe you can guess why I couldn't guess who was WITH Perry without considerable shouting and screaming, 'I'M IN A THUNDERSTORM!!'  Yes, it was Perry Walker, Rich Eberhardt and Mike Wagner, and they were in GETTYSBURG on a guy get-away.  I phoned them back when I was back on dry land, and I guess we talked for over an hour.  Mike Wagner was last, and said, 'NEXT time, I'm first - they used up every word in the English language already.'  
Posted By: Katie Fahnestock Kingston - 08-23-2010
Views: 4855

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