OK - the bashful sleeping bag lady is Phyllis Muhr - I know because I took the photo - it was in a lean-to in the Adirondacks with Lavinia Simons Ycas and Kathy ... something, and it was an AWESOME time!! We played a lot of Kingston Trio type music by the campfire... Now, if that isn't Donna Stolberg and Vicki Mendoza, I'm a monkey's uncle. And the PJ party where the sweet young things are utilizing a spinning wheel (Sleeping Beauties?!?!?) - That's Pidgn McQuair about to whack Lynn Piat with the Home Sweet Home sign... Nancy Soderland?!? and Sue Grey and Betsy Imholz doing her best Granny impression. And that, sayeth Katie K., about exhausted my brain for this evening!
Posted By: Administrator - 01-15-2008 Views: 3598