The FUGITIVE, 120 episodes, September 1963-August 1967, every show began with the train wreck, allowing David Janssen to escape the clutches of Lt Gerard. Kimble would stumble from the scene, and splash his face after falling into the same muddy puddle week after week... FIRST EPISODE - FEAR IN THE DESERT: Kimble (using the name Jim Lincoln) takes a job at a bar in Tucson, Arizona, and meets the piano player, Monica Welles, played by actress Vera Miles. Monica is bothered by a male patron of the bar. Kimble repeatedly protects her, thereby acquiring an enemy. He later learns the man bothering her is Ed Welles, her husband. NO WONDER THIS GUY'S ON THE RUN - HE MANUFACTURES TROUBLE At EVERY TURN ~
Posted By: Vaughn - 12-12-2007 Views: 2265