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Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968 - Message Board

Message Board | Post Reply Page: 1

School Tour revisited
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Rich Smith (Smitty)
09-15-2008 08:10am
Harry Waller set up the tour of WWHS for 36 grads, and it was terrific. What was the most memorable part of the tour for you?

Re: School Tour revisited
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Bobby Greco
09-15-2008 11:19am
It's was the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

One very special moment was at the end of the tour.  We were all gathered in the main entrance area just outside the auditorium.  We all were smiling and looking like kids again.....and we starting singing 'Hail to thee Walt Whitman'  -- we started softly...it got louder...and at the end we had our hands in the air cheering....... It WAS THE BEST.....

It was very special to see everyone.  Let's keep this alive forever and a day (smile)  !!!!  Bobby

Re: School Tour revisited
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Vaughn Olson
09-15-2008 01:02pm
Walking the hallways was a blast from the past - I had forgotten about that
'Forum' room near the Main Office....the South Gym Boy's lockerroom looked
exactly as we left it. The 200 wing bookstore and library were gone without a trace...we met a nice kid named 'Capasso' boarding an intermural bus, he was Ronnie's nephew's son. Some connections live on. Thank you, Harry, for organizing this event - and to all who shared it together.

Had a ball running around and throwing the football on the new field!

Re: School Tour revisited
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lee Hardgrove
09-17-2008 02:47pm
It took 40 years for girls to finally get in the boys locker room.

Re: School Tour revisited
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Bobby Greco
09-17-2008 06:03pm
School Tour Triva Question:

After all this years (40 plus), what rooms are still 1960’s turquoise and 'Barbie Doll' pink?

Hint:  North Wing

Re: School Tour revisited
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Frank Brignoli
09-24-2008 03:58am
I wasn't sure what to expect. It's a place I put way in the back of my cluttered consciousness. (so many other events, happenings etc over the years have also taken up occupancy in there) .
When I pulled into the driveway, It was like I was on the bus heading for class.
Total recall!!
There have been some definate changes like security guards, ramps, elevators and missing things like card catalogs in the library and those horrible ropes hanging from the ceiling in the gymnasium and Mr Roekel wandering the halls. But most things are exactly as we left them, like the cafeteria (I can't believe they still use the same tables and chairs) and the guidance offices and the auditorium. Such vivid memories.
I heard the singing from inside the auditorium and I stood and smiled.
We had a special class from 1964 to 1968 .
Hail to thee Walt Whitman.

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