Wow! The reunion committee has done such an amazing job finding classmates and arranging events! Try as I might, I've not been able to work out the scheduling to come to the reunion this time. I will be sorry to miss you all, and will be thinking of you. Have a wonderful time, and I hope there will, in fact, be a DVD of the festivities to share with those of us who couldn't make it. And I'd love to hear from folks -- my email's on the website. See you next time!
Sharon, it was just so cool of you to write a note to us on the site - don't worry, there will be another reunion, and you will be there!! Yes, look for news about how to get that set of DVD/CDs in the next newsletter - the lady that is doing the DJ stuff is really nice and enthusiastic, and promised a really nice record of the party. I will email you sometime when less is going on - but I am so happy to hear you are out there and in touch!!
HEY GILL!!!!!! so sorry to hear you are not coming but THRILLED (to used a ktkingston word) that you posted here!!!!!! did you see Mr. T is coming? he asked about you and i didn't have info........will email you directly!