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Katie Fahnestock Kingston
08-17-2008 07:10pm
If you know me, you know I left my fashion sense behind when I moved away from NY in 1968... But MANY have contacted me asking, 'What do I wear Friday night? What do I wear Saturday night?'  I have read it said that Friday will be 'casual' and Saturday 'dressy.'  Are there a few of you stalwart ladies who can help out the less fashion-secure among us and make some suggestions as to what will not shame us at the cocktail party or the reunion itself?  We know it's not a contest or a beauty pageant - but we really WOULD love to be somewhere in the ballpark on this one...

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Donna Sneed
08-18-2008 03:57pm
I think the operative words here are 'doesn't make me look fat.' As in 'I think I'll wear THIS outfit, because it doesn't make me look fat.' (And since you are not fat, this should pose no problem for you.) Those of us who ARE fat will spend a lot of time looking at our rumps in a full-length mirror before we decide which outfits will not make us look fat. Actually, even those who are NOT fat will spend a lot of time obsessing about their derrieres, since we are all over the hill, but not dead yet, so we still care how we look.

So in answer to your quest for suggested outfits, I vote in favor of my usual choice of clothing, which happens to be whatever I feel like wearing at that exact instant. I say go to your closet, pick something out that you really love or feel good in, and go for it.

At 58, we have earned the right to wear exactly what we please!

I think it would really be a hoot if everyone showed up in a swimsuit...

See ya there, stylin!
Donna Dodd

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Katie Fahnestock Kingston
08-18-2008 04:32pm
Donna, you just ROCK.  That was a PERFECT answer and I personally intend to try my very very very best to adhere to your guidelines!  SEE YOU EVER SO SOON!  

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Katie Fahnestock Kingston
08-19-2008 10:20am
Thank you to Cheryl Madruga Montana for the following very important fashion advice:  

'Many of us over 50 or on the way to 50 are quite confused about how we
should present ourselves.  We're unsure about the kind of image we are
projecting and whether or not we are correct as we try to conform to
current fashions.

Despite what you may have seen on the streets, the following combinations
DO NOT go together and should be avoided:

1. A nose ring and bifocals
2. Spiked hair and bald spots
3. A pierced tongue and dentures
4. Miniskirts and support hose
5. Ankle bracelets and corn pads
6. Speedo's and cellulite
7. A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
8. Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
9. Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
10. Pierced nipples that hang below the waist
11. Bikinis and liver spots
12. Short shorts and varicose veins
13. Inline skates and a walker

And the ultimate 'Bad Taste' in fashion! for the 'Older

14. Thongs and Depends

Please keep these basic guidelines foremost in your mind when you shop.'

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Linda Gapinski Pickwick
08-19-2008 07:35pm
Hope it's not too late to sign up! My check's in the mail - really!
BTW - my favorite color is purple and that's what I'm wearing. Unless, I have a clothes crisis, lose or gain weight.  

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paige MacDermott
08-20-2008 08:44am
dear ladies it touches my very core to see such honesty in your answers.....
i personally adhere to donna's advice......what do YOU like?????    i figure if i haven't impressed anybody by now at 57, i ain't gonna start with a stunning outfit for the reunion!!!!!  and here i was worried about wrinkles!!!!!
as for me, i am coming from florida, and the only dressy thing i own is the mother of the bride dress from a year and a half ago, and i sure as shootin won't wear THAT! it would be a hoot to see us all in bathing suits, but barring some interstate blood oath i doubt that will happen so........ i really don't care what people wear....i just want to see some old buds, maybe make some new ones, and enjoy myself thoroughly..... so why don't we all just wear our smiles and blinders and just have a blast?!?!?

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Katie Fahnestock Kingston
08-20-2008 11:11am
Once again you strike - comedically and in a heartfelt fashion - to the heart of the matter!!!!  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Katie K.

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Katie Fahnestock Kingston
08-20-2008 11:15am
Wait, wait, I wanted to post one more thing, KIND of near the topic here: we went to a lovely neighborhood get-together about a week ago.  Back yard of a neighbor - wine, snacks - I brought the jello shots - we were there for hours.  One of the guys was snapping photos.  And he brought over a CD with them on it.  Well, the pix were wonderful, very evocative of that very fun evening - but I wrote him an email saying, 'The pictures were wonderful, but who was that little old lady who was there wearing my clothes?!?!?!'  Ahhhhhhh, yes, the passage of time and the loosening of the epidermis....  

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paige macdermott
08-20-2008 12:39pm
y'know katie, dear friend, i dunno if i was striking anything in the heart.....
speaking for myself, i am just looking forward to getting together with a bunch of pple who shared the life and times of our generation....many of us didn't know each other well back then but we are obviously coming to the reunion and/or loving the website and the msg board and (in my case at least) the joy of reconnecting with the folks that we remember from a time we all shared, be it with each other back then, or now through our parallel experiences........and it strikes me that so many of us go way back to k and 1st grade.....those are powerful memories that regardless of where we have gone in the meantime, we all share......ERGO  'put on the smiles and blinders', and meet me in september........

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paige macdermott
08-20-2008 12:57pm
Hope it's not too late to sign up! My check's in the mail - really!
BTW - my favorite color is purple and that's what I'm wearing. Unless, I have a clothes crisis, lose or gain weight.  

hey linda! i don't know if you remember me, but i remember you...we weren't friends, but i do remember you.... it is never too late, and if you check out this website you will see that more and more of us are finding this reunion, and in turn finding others to join............i know it is only a few weeks away now, but if you know any others who have not been found, please let the reunion committee know....or vaugh olsen, who has been the spearhead of 'finding people'....even if it is too late for folks to make it to this reunion, it would be great to have the contact information!

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Ellen Cohen
08-27-2008 10:29pm
Connected with Lori Lamberta after many, many years.  I think she had the best line.  'Just remember whoever looks the best had the most work.'  She hasn't changed a bit.  Still funny after all these years.

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Janice Distefano Hansel
08-28-2008 03:14pm
OMG - I am bad - I just wanted to wear jeans on Friday - there's nothing I can do to hide my fat - unless I can find something to make most of me invisible!!  I am what I am and that's all I can be (didn't Popeye say that?)  I just can't wait to see everyone.  That's all I ever cared about.  Anyone else out there that wants to wear jeans?  Or is that tooooooooooo  casual?

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Katie Fahnestock Kingston
08-28-2008 09:18pm
Janice, I too was thinking of wearing jeans, but I simply can't commit to what I'm going to wear - like Donna D. Sneed mentioned, I kind of have to see what mood I am in when I pack to go to NY.  I do know something, though.  I know that nobody would care if you wore jeans, girlfriend.  I mean this.  Your smiling face and enthusiasm and all that there stuff is really all that is needed.  
I will attach a photo of what I intend to wear to the reunion.  Do you think the watering can makes my butt look big?

Attached File: LP Clever face hiding reunion dress photo.jpg

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Donna Sneed
08-29-2008 07:42am
Janice - I AM wearing jeans, either long ones or capri length, on Friday night. I'm not sure what with them, but when I hear the word 'casual,' that's what it means to me.

So if you need the comfort of another substantial bootay in jeans, I'm your wingman.

Levis Libre!!

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Donna Sneed
08-29-2008 04:20pm
Janice, I too was thinking of wearing jeans, but I simply can't commit to what I'm going to wear - like Donna D. Sneed mentioned, I kind of have to see what mood I am in when I pack to go to NY.  I do know something, though.  I know that nobody would care if you wore jeans, girlfriend.  I mean this.  Your smiling face and enthusiasm and all that there stuff is really all that is needed.  
I will attach a photo of what I intend to wear to the reunion.  Do you think the watering can makes my butt look big?

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Donna Sneed
08-29-2008 04:22pm

One of the characters in 'Steel Magnolias' stated that the only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize.

I personally think the watering can is a stunning addition to your ensemble and would urge you to wear it proudly. Yellow is your color!


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