The website is wonderful. I especially liked the picture of Miss Armellini's 3rd grade class back at Beverly Hill Elementary. That's me with the glasses on in the back. Gosh, we were cute and such a happy group. Can't make this one guys, have fun. Lorraine Janis thanks for your personal invite, that was great. Barbara DesioTorella if you are out there, say hi sometime. Will miss you all. Love, Karen Dewhurst
Karen - I am sorry you can't come, but happy that you are connected via this site and via some old friends. I am thinking there is going to be a DVD available after the reunion - maybe $30 - well, 2 DVDs is how it may be - one will be full of stills from the reunion and another will be a live moving picture type thing. We will mention details in the newsletter when we get them. Have someone cell phone you during reunion - that way you get to attend, kind of!!