I actually have the class photo of the 1st grade class i was in at Depot Road School--but don't remember the teacher's name--she's wearing glasses--the photo is labeled as 1-R6-AM-The clock on the wall is 9:15--what strikes me about the photo is that all our heads look SO BIG!! really weird!
Ray, I hope you can scan and post that 1st grade Depot Rd photo, maybe in the Looking Back section ?
I was in kindergarten at Birchwood, but I cannot anybody who might
have been there with me. Take me back 50 years or more and the
memory gets real fuzzy...
Wow! I was in Kindergarten in Birchwood...a Ms Pricozzi, or something like that. After graduating Kindergarten, I too went to Depot Rd school..a Mrs Wool I think?
I remember that the school became a library in later years. Hard to believe so many of us remember that! I hope Ray can scan the photo, or send it to us for posting! Cheers! Smitty
No, Katie, I never had the pleasure of Depot Road School, just Birchwood with a
Mrs. Hubert....some of us had to be in that class with me - that's where
things go fuzzy. I cannot recall a soul in my Kindergarten class.
Hi Everyone,
I also remember the Depot Road School. I think Sally Dempsey was in my class. Not sure if my teacher was Mrs. Wooley but it might have been. Depot Road Alumni, refresh my memory!!
I had Mrs. Gash in first grade at Depot Road School. Funny thing about these memories is that they seem more like 'far away' than 'long ago'. I think I remember Priscilla G in my class and a boy named Kevin McKay. Hey Smitty, I had Mrs. Picozzi in kindergarten as well. The Lundstrom twins were in our class. And I don't know if it is the same Mrs. Wooley but I had her in third grade at West Hills. Hopefully some of us start finding these class pictures so we can add them to this sight. ... I am looking forward to seeing so many people at the reununion, just wish everybody could come.
Yes, I was at Depot road school for first grade. Ms Gash. ( We learned to read with Sally,Dick and Jane) the desks were bolted to the floor. also at Birchwood for K with Ms. Picozzi, Do I recall correctly it was an afternoon session? I seem to recall what a drag it was to have to come in from playing to go to school in the middle of the day.
Does anyone recall Mr Nugent? Fourth grade? what about Central School near the Buorbon Barrel ? And going to church when, St Hughs split ,in the WAlt Whitman Mall movie theater ??? and hey,, what about those dogbone corsages we had for our birthdays at Memorial !!!! how did we survive Mr Pergolizzis French class in the basement with the Edith Piaf songs and the miniature guillotine ? Quelle picnique !
Pris, I remember the dogbone corsages - it would be amazing to get our brains together to remember which corsage item went with which birthday - I remember bubble gum corsages, dog bones... well, there you have it, the extent of MY memory of the corsage thing!!! There is a hilariously wonderful picture of Betsy Imholz weighted down by a whole chestful of bubble gum corsages in one of the yearbook pix... I always thought it looked like she was at the end of her patience with the entire thing!!
Ha ha, Vaughn - I was in kindergarten with Mrs. Hubert (& apparently yourself!) at Birchwood Elem....I must have as weird a memory as you, recollecting the names of all my teachers from K-6 and a bunch more on in Memorial, etc.: at West Hills: 1st Miss Reinecke, 2nd Miss Barrie, 3rd Miss Walke, 4th Miss Ludgate, 5th Mr. Jay (who could ever forget him?!), 6th Mr. Lee; Mr. Philips for 7th homeroom, Mr. Yando for social studies (I did become a geography major at Univ. of Colorado & credit him with that direction!)...but enough we say!
don't remember to much about the school I think i only say ther for a year or two. If i remember rightwe had to hang our coats and leave our lunch in the hall way. Was there classes down stairs. after a year or two wegot ship to beverly hills. Does anyone remember what did they did at the end of the year.Did they call game day or some kind of a cook out stay there till fifth ,then went to maplwood for the last year
I have such strong memories of that little school. Mrs. Newman was my first grade teacher. Would love to see the class photo if someone has it.
I remember the cubbies at the back of the room, the various holiday cut-outs on the wall, and the coveted students' job of clapping the erasers out the back door. Boy, that sounds like Little House on the Prairie! But it was Hunt. Sta. circa 1956.
Mrs. Wooley was third grade. I don't recall if she was at Depot Road School. I was there for just 1 year-- first grade with Mrs. Newman--after Kindergarten at Birchwood and before West Hills for second grade with....Miss Barry! Who remembers her?
No, Katie, I never had the pleasure of Depot Road School, just Birchwood with a
Mrs. Hubert....some of us had to be in that class with me - that's where
things go fuzzy. I cannot recall a soul in my Kindergarten class.
I was in Mrs. Hubert's kindergarten class too, Vaughn! Would LOVE to see that photo--could you scan or bring it?
Betsy, so far it's you, Lavinia and me who had Mrs Hubert. All I have left is
my Kindergarten report card - the entries were handwritten with a fountain pen - said I had trouble keeping quiet during rest time - think it's too late to file an appeal?
I don't recall if I've ever seen our Kindergarten photo - wish I had one to scan.
Mrs. Hanlon was my 2nd grade teacher at Birchwood and I do think that Mrs. Newman was my 1st grade teacher at Depot Road. Is there a class picture floating around?
I went to the Depot Road School too!! I remember I was with LInda Deliso. I think I started school in NYC - PS something (dah - they are all PS something) and then I transferred to Deport Road School. All I remember was playing red rover red rover in the back - there was a hill and a fence and we would all line up by the fence. That's all I can remember...... does that ring a bell with anyone? Then I went to Silas Wood. Had Mrs. Podmore for 3rd, Mr Stackle for 4th, Mr. Anchusets for 6th (over was it 5th) that's all I can get from memory....