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Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Kay Nelson
07-04-2008 05:19pm

Yes,  siree.  That was the place.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Kimberley Bank Heilig
07-13-2008 01:58am
Hi Dale, Lynn, Rose Marie, Ellen, Lorraine, Ray, Judi and all other Birchwood alums.  Good to hear from you all.  Can you believe I'm now back at my original home on Linford Lane, in Country Village across from St. Eliz???   Pass Birchwood every day...  And I still go to the same bus stop (but now to pick up my nephew who is 6).  Just got back from a trip to CA to see Christie Green.  Saw Betsey Imholz too.  We had two pj parties...  and now I really feel like I'm back in HS....  a great feeling.  Hope to see you all at the reunion.


Punishment in Mr. Thompson's 4th grade class
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Kimberley Bank
08-06-2008 11:13pm
Anyone remember having to write:  'I will do my homework faithfully, then first and last name' 100 times when we didn't do our homework???  I had to do it many many times!  Now high school, I can understand not doing homework, but 4th grade???  Why would a kid not do homework in 4th grade???   Did anyone else have this punishment?    -Kim

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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08-16-2008 11:11am


Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Richard Humphreys
08-22-2008 10:53am
Hey, Vaughn: We moved out to Huntington when I started 4th grade @ Birchwood. Interstingly enough, the gal who would become my wife (36+yrs. now) when to St. Hugh's- she was Dianne Stiene back in those days. She didn't go on to Whitman with us. Went to St. Dominic's in Oyster Bay, but they were dropped off at Whitman every day, and a bus picked them up to go to O.B. Probably passed her hundreds of times without a thought. Wound up meeting while at home one summer from college, and two kids, 4 grandkids, and countless adventures, we're still going strong. Funny how life's wheel spins. She still has her St. Hugh's yearbooks- will look for you in there. I know Malichio went to school there with you guys. Dianne says she remembers him as being 'slightly off center' ;-) I tell her things didn't change !!

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Susan (Grace) Yeaman
08-22-2008 01:09pm
Anyone remember having to write:  'I will do my homework faithfully, then first and last name' 100 times when we didn't do our homework???  I had to do it many many times!  Now high school, I can understand not doing homework, but 4th grade???  Why would a kid not do homework in 4th grade???   Did anyone else have this punishment?    -Kim

Only a couple of times! Mr. Thompson was the best teacher ever! I remember being terrified of him the first day of school, my mother said I came home in tears. Yet by the end of the year, he was my favorite teacher.

He also had the infamous 'helping hand'. You don't see those in schools anymore!

On an unrelated note...does anyone remember the abandoned estate (it was just a chimney, foundations and the remains of several buildings, plus  a cemetary) that was called McLevys (spelling is probably off) ? There was a lake and lots of woods to walk around in. You could skate there when it got cold enough. It was just down the street from Memorial Jr High.  I have lots of fond memories of that place, except when Sue Kolczynski and I almost fell thru the lake ice.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Christie Green
08-24-2008 08:08pm
Hi Sue,
Of course I remember you and certainly McLeavey's (?) estate. Oh, how we loved it! With ice skates flung over our shoulders we marched happily over to the pond on many a winter day. There were no adults there which gave the feeling of a private kid paradise. I remember the forsythia and lilacs there. The whole place was overrun with the smells of my childhood. I am struck by the fact that most kids today would be forbidden from frequenting a place like that. I also remember Bob Trimmer and Puptent Van Louven announcing to a group of heartbroken seventh graders that McLeavey's had been demolished to build more tract homes. It was a sad moment in Mr.Evers' otherwise cheerful chassroom.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Cindy Kercher
08-25-2008 10:09pm
I was also in Mr. Thompsons class. Does anyone remember the 6th grade overnight trip to washington on the train? I remember sneaking out of our rooms at night and hiding in the bathtub so as not to get caught. I also remember the boys were on the 6th floor and the girls were onthe fourth . water balloons wre being thrown from the sixth floor windows. Looking back I could not imagine  where the chaperones were.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Ray LeTellier
08-26-2008 10:23am
I was also in Mr. Thompsons class. Does anyone remember the 6th grade overnight trip to washington on the train? I remember sneaking out of our rooms at night and hiding in the bathtub so as not to get caught. I also remember the boys were on the 6th floor and the girls were onthe fourth . water balloons wre being thrown from the sixth floor windows. Looking back I could not imagine  where the chaperones were.

Hi Cindy--i remember that trip very well--some of us boys snuck out so we could stand in front of the theater where  'Jay and the Americans' were giving a concert--thinking that we would see them !!  That was the last year the school did the trip--thanks to us 6th graders!
i also remember going to parties at your house and bringing my  '45 records'  didn't you live directly behind Birchwood?

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Cindy Brereton
08-27-2008 07:52pm
Hi Ray
you're right. I did live behind Birch Hill. I had a few parties in my back yard. Lots of records and my favorite was ' There's A Moon Out Tonight '.See you at the reunion|

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Ellen Cohen
08-27-2008 09:53pm
    Remember the talent show with us singing 'Johnny Angel'?  The Soldier Boys came in first.  Darn.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Cindy Kercher
08-27-2008 10:05pm
This website is so great| I remember you so well. Do you remember a guy in our homeroom named Doug? I had such a crush on him. Johnny Angel was so good. There was a much larger group singing Soldier Boy. Can't wait to see you at the reunion.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Ellen Cohen
08-27-2008 10:18pm
    The reunion committee certainly did an awesome job.  Was it Doug Merz in our homeroom?  Looking forward to catching up with you.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Diana Coles Haselmyer
08-28-2008 10:04pm
Hi all,  I am just getting in on this conversation.  I went to Birchwood for 2 years.  Didn't anyone go to Mr Predmore's class in 4th grade?  I do remember the class  play.  I didn't get to be in it, but enjoyed the sidelines.  I remember the Chipmunk's song most. Do you?  After that school, I went to Central and then Memorial Jr High.  Didn't all of you?  I don't have much of a memory lately, but I do remember each of your names somehow. Glad you are all still 'with us'. I am in FL and preparing to move to AZ as soon as we can sell our house.

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Jim Phillips
09-12-2008 05:14pm
I've been looking for Mr. DellaCarpini's class pix and can't find it.  Is it in photos?  The one I see has female teachers.  Help!

Sadly, Mr. D passed away very recently within the last couple of weeks.  I saw the obit in Newsday.  Sorry to inform you but thought you would want to know.
Jim P WWHS, Math Dept

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Kim Bank
09-19-2008 02:43pm
Okay folks, Great reunion and great to get together with Mr. Thompson's 4th grade class from Birchwood for a photo.  Lorraine Klatt organized and directed a photo for us to share with Ed Thompson.  Lorraine, please give me his phone number and post the photo...  before and after, if you can...  Hugs from Kim Bank!!

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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Vic Montalvo
06-09-2014 08:28pm
Hey, Kim. I rememeber you well from Birchwood. You were always popular and so nice. I was ateacher for 8 years on Long Island. I moved to Seneca, SC. where I remarried and own a fine diningrestaurant with my husband Henry. We have two children Henry, 24, and Kristen, 23. Believe it or not I still stay in contact with Ed Thompson,our fourth grade teacher who we all loved. Remember his wooden helping hand he used for discipline. Recently, Sue Kolczynski, came to visit us with her new husband, Joe. would love to hear from you. Lorraine (Lori)

Mr. Thompson
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Victor Montalvo
06-09-2014 08:48pm
I had Mr. T in 6th grade in 1983 at Birchwood.  Does anyone have his info?  I was just speaking about him today to my class and just googled his name and came across this thread.  Would love to reach out to him if he is still alive.  He seemed older back then and that was 35 years ago.  Thanks.  My email is vmontalvo@waxhaw.com

Re: Anyone from Birchwood
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lee guertler
05-11-2018 07:32pm
I lived behind Point of Woods  way down the Street from Bobby Zacheo.  I remember hanging out  with Gerry Simowitz and later with Geb Wolf  -- Gerry teaches Physics in upstate NY and Geb is a retired NYState Trooper chopper pilot. I live in Hawaii 8 mos and NZ 4 mos of the year so its a bit tough staying in touch. Kim Banks is a good dancer  in case anyof uall need a dance partner this coming reunion!

If anyone has Alice Silverberg's contact info please send it along to my email

Best regards

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