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Walt Whitman High School Class of 1968 - SOUTH CAFETERIA
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I want to first say that all of you classmates that did not attend the vocational school- Wilson Tech., surely had an advantage over us that did attend. I went for Cosmetology, and did proceed on and got my license in Oct. '68. This was after passing the State Boards, along with my partners in crime, Marguerite Bonifacio, Patti Ventura, and Linda Wujick. We missed so much of the fun at school. We left the WW at 7:25 and didn't return until 6th period. That left Phys. Ed., English and History. Not much time to get to know many people. But I do remember sneaking in and getting those peanut butter cookies or an ice cream sandwich. We had just a minute to eat that before Rabidu or Hornwrath got our butts into that lovely gym get-up to torture us. Ah, the memories! I also remember food fights and looking in the garbage for dental retainers that friends forgot to put back in their mouths before they left the cafeteria. Oh, it was so funny now to look back but not so for their poor parents! $$$$ I am truly sorry I missed so much of the other activities of school. It didn't help that I was so very shy. What a terrible thing to be blessed with! I was afraid of my shadow back then. Thank goodness working in the Hairdressing field cures you of shyness very quickly.
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